Music Department

Reeves Middle School has large grade-level specific music ensembles that meet daily during the school day with before school zero hour groups such as jazz band.
About 2/3 of our school participates in band, choir, & orchestra with numerous performances throughout our region. Additionally, many students participate in solo/ensemble contest & all-state ensembles each year.
Please click on Calendar on the menu for more information about our events, we hope you can join us!
Course Descriptions:
This performance-based class is for highly motivated students playing a wind instrument in a large concert band ensemble. Students will study many musical techniques and skills to be demonstrated at numerous required performances throughout the year. Additional opportunities such as jazz band, solo & ensemble, and out-of-school travel are only available to students in the band classes.
Choir is for students who enjoy singing with a group of friends and peers! Whether you are a new or an experienced singer, you will develop the skills necessary to sing a wide variety of excellent choral music from all different eras, styles and cultures. This Choir performs at several concerts and field trips throughout the year.
This performance-based class is for highly motivated students playing a string instrument in a large string orchestra ensemble. Students will study many musical techniques and skills to be demonstrated at numerous required performances throughout the year. Additional opportunities such as chamber orchestra, solo & ensemble, and out-of-school travel are only available to students in the orchestra classes.
This performance-based class is for highly motivated students playing a percussion instrument in a large concert ensemble. Students must have knowledge of reading music beforehand and willing to learn many genres of percussion (such as concert, mallets, marching, world, jazz/popular). Students will perform at required performances throughout the year as a separate concert ensemble and part of the large band & orchestra ensembles too. Additional opportunities such as jazz band, solo & ensemble, and out-of-school travel are only available to students in the percussion class.
Music Appreciation
6th grade students will explore many different styles and cultures of music including contemporary popular music. Students will develop listening, descriptive, and interpretive skills; gaining a deeper understanding of how music is made and how it both reflects and affects society. Some of this will be through the learning and performance of various instruments and also composition on computer-based software programs on our chrome books.