Physical Education and Health

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Physical Education and Health


Physical Education classes at Reeves Middle School follow the Washington State Health and Fitness Standards.


Physical Education Mission Statement:

Learn to get along with others by respecting all values and opinions:

  • Accepting team mates and avoid hurtful remarks.

  • Avoid profanity.

  • Avoid inappropriate behavior.

  • Use your mistakes as learning experiences.


Learn to take pride in your physical abilities and personal fitness by:

  • Learning new skills with a positive attitude.

  • Improving your present skills and help other classmates to improve their skills.

  • Establish a daily fitness routine for school and home.


6th Grade Health

Focus on physical, emotional, social, and mental health. Also, health influences by Glencoe Teen Health. Pilot FOSS Science Human Body Systems.

7th/8th Grade Health

Focus on utilizing the FLASH Curriculum (Family, Life, and Sexual Health). In addition, students explore topics using the Glencoe Teen Health Course 3 text related to tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and illegal drugs. Mental health includes self-esteem, emotions, stress management, and anti-bullying emphasis. Various hands-on projects and presentations related to the above topics are integrated.